Curriculum Requirements for BSN Transfer Students

Transfer students accepted to begin the BSN program must have a minimum of 52 semester credit hours (78 quarter credit hours) accepted in transfer to begin the BSN program. See the Transfer Student Prerequisites for details.

Curriculum Requirements

University Core Curriculum Requirements
All University of Portland students, regardless of major, progress through a set of shared course options as part of the University’s liberal arts Core Curriculum. This curriculum offers a foundation of multiple lenses to address enduring questions of human concern, integrating the liberal arts, the University mission, and the knowledge, skills, and values needed in a diverse society and in the workplace.

BSN transfer students enter the program as “block transfers,” per the Core Curriculum Transfer Policy. As such, they complete all Foundation Level University Core Curriculum Requirements as prerequisites for admission to the BSN program.

Please Note: Transfer students must complete the the Introductory Level University Core Curriculum Requirement (a 0-credit Anchor Seminar) and Exploration Level University Core Curriculum Requirements (6 Credit Hours) at the University of Portland during the BSN program of study. The Exploration Level requirements are THE 448X: Theological Dimensions of Suffering and Death (3 Credit Hours) and an additional Exploration Level course outside of the Nursing program that is designated to fulfill Core requirements (3 Credit Hours).

BSN Foundation Requirements
Transfer students complete the BSN Foundation Requirements as prerequisites for admission to the BSN program.

Transfer students complete electives as prerequisites for admission to the BSN program.

BSN Major Requirements

Because nursing is a dynamic field, the nursing curriculum is subject to change at the School of Nursing & Health Innovations' discretion

NRS 204 - Foundations in Health Assessment - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 206 - Professional Practice: Health Assessment - 1 Credit Hour/45 Professional Practice* Hours
NRS 207 - Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Health Assessment - 1 Credit Hour
NRS 208 - Transition into Professional Nursing - 6 Credit Hours
NRS 302 - Nursing Licensure Lab - 1 Credit Hour
NRS 306 - Professional Practice: Population Health and Wellness - 4 Credit Hours/Approx. 180 Professional Practice* Hours
NRS 307 - Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Population Health and Wellness - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 308 - Professional Practice: Acute Illness Management - 4 Credit Hours/Approx. 180 Professional Practice* Hours
NRS 309 - Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Acute Illness Management - 3 Credit Hours 
NRS 316 - Population Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 317 - Acute Illness Management Across the Lifespan - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 325 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 326 - Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II - 3 Credit Hours 
NRS 400 - Nursing Licensure Lab - 1 Credit Hour
NRS 406 - Professional Practice: Chronic Illness Management - 4 Credit Hours/Approx. 180 Professional Practice* Hours
NRS 407 - Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Chronic Illness Management - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 408 - Professional Practice: Senior Practicum - 4 Credit Hours/Approx. 180 Professional Practice* Hours
NRS 409 - Clinical Reasoning Seminar: Senior Practicum - 3 Credit Hours 
NRS 416 - Chronic Illness Management Across the Lifespan - 3 Credit Hours 
NRS 440 - Social Justice and Population Health - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 460 - Senior Practicum: Advancing the Culture of Health - 3 Credit Hours
NRS 480 - Life-long Learning - 3 Credit Hours

Total credit hours required for the BSN degree (including credits accepted in transfer): 120

Approx. total professional practice* hours: 765

*Professional practice includes on-campus clinical experiences (e.g. lab, simulation) and off-campus clinical experiences (e.g. hospital, community, ambulatory care settings, focused learning activities)

Course descriptions for BSN program courses can be found in the University Bulletin.

View the sample BSN program of study for transfer students.