Rosemary Anderson High School

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The UPSONHI and Rosemary Anderson High School (RAHS) have a close partnership that began in 2016. It was established after Beth Baynes, a now retired UPSONHI instructor, recognized the importance and significance RAHS could have on nursing students. 

RAHS is a private, alternative school that is part of the Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center (POIC ) that is committed to the future success of at-risk youth up through the age of 25. They have four high schools that serve students from Portland Public School and a few districts in east Multnomah County.

Our undergraduate nursing students are placed at RAHS for their population health clinical course. They provide high-quality health instruction, such as health promotion activities for both students and staff. With an enrollment size of around 100 students at each location, our student nurses and RAHS students have the opportunity to develop trusting relationships and engage in meaningful conversations.

The partnership has grown to include Rosemary Anderson Middle School (RAMS), which involves working with staff and students in a remote educational environment. Two nursing students are placed with each of the four high schools and eight nursing students are placed with its middle school. We at the UPSONHI are grateful to have this opportunity of engagement with RAHS/RAMS.

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