Minor in Public Health and Wellness
- Nursing
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Biology
- Education
- Business
Minor Requirements (15 credits)
15 upper-division credit hours in Public Health and Wellness. All prerequisites for these courses must be satisfied.
Course options include the following:
PHW 301 Mind/Body/Energy Perspectives (3 credit hours)
PHW 303 Human Health and Disease (3 credit hours)
PHW 304 Environmental Health (3 credit hours)
PHW 306 Epidemiology (3 credit hours)
PHW 307* Integrative Health Coaching I – Concepts of Individual Wellness (3 credits hours)
PHW 308 Health Systems and Policy (3 credit hours)
PHW 310 Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion (3 credit hours)
PHW 312 Research Methods for Public Health Practice (3 credit hours)
PHW 316 Nature's Pharmacy: Food, Herbs & Supplements that Support Health (3 credit hours)
PHW 317 Restorative Nutrition (3 credit hours)
PHW 325 Community Health Promotion I (3 credit hours)
PHW 326 Community Health Promotion II (3 credit hours)
PHW 350 Navigating Uncertainty: Stress, Creativity, and Wellness (3 credit hours)
PHW 401 Sleep, Health, and Society (3 credit hours)
PHW 402 The Science of Art & Well-Being (3 credit hours)
PHW 407* Integrative Health Coaching II – Supporting Individual Wellness (3 credits hours)
PHW 411 Technology in Health (3 credit hours)
PHW 417 Project Design and Management in Public Health and Wellness (3 credit hours)
PHW 418 Leadership in Public Health and Wellness (3 credit hours)
PHW 427 Public Health & Wellness Practicum* (3 credit hours; 136 practicum hours)
*Note: Students who wish to pursue national health and wellness coaching certification may choose to complete the following Integrative Health Coaching Program requirements as electives:
PHW 307 - Integrative Health Coaching I: Concepts of Individual Wellness (3 credit hours)
PHW 407 - Integrative Health Coaching II: Supporting Individual Wellness (3 credit hours)