For students/faculty who meet the following criteria, you can go to the OHSU drive-thru and receive free testing:
For students/faculty who do not meet the OHSU criteria, here are alternatives:
- If you identify as one or more of the following:
- Migrant / seasonal agricultural worker
- Black, African-American, Latino, Latina, Latinx, American
- Indian / Alaska Native, Asian, Asian-American or Pacific Islander
- Having a disability
- Your first language is not English
- You are having surgery, giving birth, or having another qualifying procedure done at OHSU.
- You have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or the Public Health Department has required them to get tested for contact tracing.
- RiteAid has started offering COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic people through Project Baseline. There are two sites listed in Portland and one in Beaverton. You can only get this done at the special locations listed on the website.
- UP’s Health & Counseling Center - students only. Check your insurance! Call 503.943.7134 to make an appointment.
- Zoom+Care testing
- Without insurance, the out of pocket cost would be $165 for the appointment, $150 for antibody testing OR $100 for swab testing (they order through Labcorp)
- With insurance, the cost can be as low as $0, but it depends on your coverage
- Locate a COVID-19 testing center near you by Oregon zip code
- Legacy GoHealth - certain locations only
- The Pearl, Raleigh Hills, Sherwood, Salmon Creek, and Camas locations.
- Call locations for details.
For each option listed above, you will need to do the following to determine coverage
- Check if the clinic you identified from the above options accept your insurance
- Call your insurance to make sure they cover COVID testing. Several health insurance companies reached an agreement with the state of Oregon to waive all copays, coinsurance, and out of pocket fees but not all insurances have done so and many of you are from out-of-state or country.
- If you lost insurance during the pandemic, you my want to apply for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) insurance through which COVID testing is free