Integrative Health & Wellness Student Highlight | University of Portland

Integrative Health & Wellness Student Highlight

Why I chose to major in Integrative Health & Wellness 

By Kailee Tatro


Why did you decide to major in IHW? 
"I chose to major in integrative health and wellness because I went through a life-changing experience last year that I wasn't supposed to live through. If it weren’t for holistic medicine, I wouldn’t have survived through the trauma I had experienced. I had a fall where I lost my left kidney and had a bad laceration to my spleen. I was also struggling with a concussion and all the emotional and psychological effects that came from the traumatic accident. The mental effects that came afterwards were the hardest part of it. Dealing with severe depression, and wondering why I lived, left me feeling as though anxiety and PTSD were taking over my life. My support system was amazing, but they were scared because my mental health during and after the accident was not well. Medication seemed to be everyone’s answer for me, but that was not the answer I was looking for. For several months, I couldn't do anything, so I researched and studied the body, nutrition, and holistic approaches for all the mental battles I was facing. This new approach, the holistic approach, was what cured me. I taught myself how to self-love, how to meditate, and how important nutrition and whole foods are to people’s well-being. I also learned how to use supplemental herbs and the benefits of essential oils. I finally found something that made me, me again. Yes, I still struggle all the time, but after engaging in this holistic approach, I learned it does get better and there is a way to get through mental and physical hardships."

What are your future career plans with this degree?
"With this degree, I plan to work in a naturopathic clinic and specialize in helping women improve their health. My goal is to be able to work with women that are pregnant. I want to help all women; from those wanting to get pregnant and to those who gave birth and need help getting their body and emotions back under control. I want to help others better themselves and be a part of their support system by letting them know that there is hope."

What is your favorite IHW class so far? And why?
"My favorite class in the IHW program so far is Nature’s Pharmacy. It has taught me more about herbs and foods that are natural remedies that can cure all types of infections and illnesses. The main focus of the course is nutrition and how lacking in a healthy diet alone can be the cause of many health issues in one’s body."